
Rozie | Women Only Car Service


App Design, UX, UI


about this project:

While enrolled at General Assembly in a UX design course, I identified a problem and spent weeks researching, interviewing, and prototyping a solution. The problem I suspected and found was that women are weary of the ride share options in the Bay Area, where the drivers are mostly men and are employed without FBI criminal record background checks. 

Through the UX process, I designed a solution: Rozie, the women's only ride sharing app. It has the utmost safety standards, and has secondary features that encourage community.


more about my ux PRocess for this project:

Develop a hypothesis
Identify research goals
User interviews which responses were then synthesized via post it notes
Develop User Personas
Competitive Analysis
User flows based on the actions of the personas using the product
Paper Prototyping
App Feature Prioritization
Information Architecture
Low, Medium and High Fidelity wireframes
Usability Tests (conducted through InVision)

Research SynthesisAfter interviewing several women, I synthesized the information with post it notes, categorizing user's comments in order to better understand the user goal's, motivations, problems and pain points.

Research Synthesis
After interviewing several women, I synthesized the information with post it notes, categorizing user's comments in order to better understand the user goal's, motivations, problems and pain points.

Primary PersonaAfter the interviews, I developed a primary and secondary persona of the app user whose day in the life stories would help reinforce the user flow/information architecture of the app.

Primary Persona
After the interviews, I developed a primary and secondary persona of the app user whose day in the life stories would help reinforce the user flow/information architecture of the app.

Competitive AnalysisI reviewed several ride-sharing apps currently on the market, observing and taking notes of the pros and cons of their UI, and the ease of use and understandability of their information architecture.

Competitive Analysis
I reviewed several ride-sharing apps currently on the market, observing and taking notes of the pros and cons of their UI, and the ease of use and understandability of their information architecture.

User FlowA map of how a user would used the app, inspired by my persona.

User Flow
A map of how a user would used the app, inspired by my persona.

Information Architecture

Information Architecture


some words on rozie's ui and features:

We're going for an outgoing, friendly and a bit adventurous design like the strong females who would use this app. The photography shows images of being out on the road, a bit reminiscent of a summer road trip with a friend. 
The initial screens show the onboarding process, and more info about the app. Users join and sync their Facebook profiles which then starts the development of a more personal and individualized profile. 
One of the secondary features of this ridesharing app, primary being safety and comfort, is that a user can connect with a driver through a message/inbox (if they want, not required). This was inspired by the memorable conversations users have had on ridesharing apps, and who may want to continue their conversation after the ride is over. 
